Hello my name is Neal Barrett Niedecker. I’m a senior in high school at City Charter High school. CCHS is technology based high school, it is located downtown Pittsburgh, PA. We learn regular classes like English and math, while also learning about Microsoft applications, and planning for our futures. Our teachers stay with the students all four years of high school. School goes year round, and students are off for December, April, and August. Let me tell you a little about myself.
I’m interested in a number of interesting things which have sparked my interest. I play guitar and bass guitar, I consider it more akin to fiddling with them. I’ve also been known to toy with the Mandolin and ukulele, although those hobbies are not as steady. I enjoy playing video games, reading, playing disc golf, and going to the gym. I also enjoy watching football and baseball. I used to like watching old movies and funny television shows but now I barely do either. I’ve got four sisters and a brother, its probably the most interesting thing about me.
I am going on this trip because I want to see as much of the world as I can. I’m also very interested in learning about another culture, that’s completely foreign to me. I also want to see the rain forest. I enjoy working and doing things that are manual labor, as well as helping people so I hope I enjoy it very much. I hope I can gain some interesting stories, meet some new people, and become close to both my classmates and teachers. I’m also scarred of getting sun burn as I burn very easily. The possibilities of coming unprepared for what awaits me, or losing my luggage at the airport are scary. I also get bored very easily on airplanes.
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