Friday, June 29, 2012

Day 5:

Written By: Andrea Webb

Today we left for breakfast at 6am for a restaurant in Heredia. Our meal consisted of rice, beans, eggs, and bread. Once breakfast was over we were greeted by our volcanologist, Ruldofo. He showed us to the volcano, Poas. Once exploring Poas we learned new facts. We had lunch at the same place as breakfast but this meal consisted of mash potatoes, cole slaw, rice, beans, and fish. Once lunch was over, we headed over to a mask makers workshop/house. At this mans house, he was very enthusiastic to share wih us his work of making traditional masks. The students were then invited to try on the masks and dance with them. Another group of students were able to make masks themselves out of clay to compete for a mask made by the maker. After this wonderful exprience we headed back to the hotel for dinner and prepare to go to the rainforest in the morning.

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