Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Participant: Jozelyn Burke

My name is Jozelyn Burke, I am currently an 18 year old student in the 12th grade. Some of my interests include shopping, partying, camping, going out with friends, conservation work, traveling, and writing. My two favorite sports include Softball and Football. Something interesting about me is that I have participated in the Student Conservation Association since 2008. Last summer I was a part of the National Crew and we stayed in the Allegheny National Forest. While there we worked on conservation, restoration, and invasive species removal. This trip lasted for about two weeks and not only did I help the environment, but the environment taught me a lot about myself.

I currently attend City Charter High School located in downtown Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on the corner of Stanwix Street and Boulevard of the Allies. City High is a high school which prepares students for the business world. We are living in the 21st century and everything is done with computers, so each student receives a laptop their freshman year and uses that same laptop all four years at City High. City High also provides students with a looping system which is having the same teachers all four years for all basic classes including English, History, Math, and Science. With having the same teachers, you know that those teachers know you, and how you work as a student which helps create a better relationship between the teacher and student. Students and faculty follow an all year long schedule having a month off for April, August, and December. We also have to follow a business casual dress code that includes dress pants, dress tops, and dress shoes. City High provides a lot of opportunities along with supportive and encouraging staff that are there for you all four years of high school.

The reason I am going on this trip is because of the outdoor experience that I enjoy so much. Helping and giving back to others is something that I enjoy doing especially when it comes to conservation. The learning experience is what I am excited about the most because everything in Costa Rica is not what any of us are used to here in the United States. Also, I am excited for the culture and country change because I have never left the country before and I’m sure they don’t have as much technology and up to date material that we do here.

One of my biggest concerns about this trip is that I will get home sick. Although I have already been on a trip similar to this with the same amount of time, I had already experienced being home sick on the previous trip as well. From this trip I hope to gain more of an appreciation for what I have and the lifestyle that I live now. I hope to also gain more of an experience for how others live and understand that the way we as Americans live is not the only way to live. Finally, I hope to have fun experiencing a completely different atmosphere and culture because I am so open to trying and experiencing new things!

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