Friday, June 29, 2012

Poas: Not Your Grandma's Volcano.

Written By: Neal Niedecker.

Today we went to the Volcano called Poas. It was really high in the air, so the altitude made it really easy to lose your breathe. Now I know how it feels to play at Mile High Stadium in Denver. So we climbed up this hill and got this fantastic view. Poas is filled with acidic water, so all along it there is no vegatation. It was wild. Then we climbed down and went to see this traditional mask maker. We walked up to this guy, rain pouring, thunder and lightning going strong. There he stood with his shirt half unbuttoned and a huge grin on his face. He is one of the few traditional mask maker left in Costa Rica, as the dancing mask tradition has died out. He seemed really happy, and his masks were great. He and his son put them on and danced to the traditional music. It was really funny. Then I got to put on a mask and dance. One of the funnest moment sof my life

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