Thursday, June 28, 2012

Days 3 and 4: Humbling Experiences

Written By: Dray Cottingham

Yesterday and today have been the most life changing experiences I have ever had. We completed service work in a refugee village called La Carpio where we paved roads. While there we worked hand in hand with the people living in La Carpio. Seeing how these people live really made realize how grateful I should be for the things I have. They have necesities to stay alive but these necesities are extremely basic. Their sewage systems aren't the best, the structure of their homes are terrible, and the overall area seems poverty stricken. Despite all these people live through, they remain very pleasant. Not once have I see someone frown or not smiling. In working with them the entire community helped from grandparents to children under the age of five. We had a great time working with the citizens of La Carpio. This experience has definitly made me more humble and grateful for having the things I do. The people living here are sincerely my heroes.

Gracias, to the people of La Carpio. You have truly changed my life.

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