Saturday, June 30, 2012

La Carpio

Written by: Ms Robinson

La Carpio was very humbling and excellent! From the moment we entered La cCarpio, we knew there was a lot of work to be done.  The streets, in some areas there were roads, but in other areas there were piles of rocks and dirt. The first thing we began to do was level the roads in order to lay the cement.  Quickly, we saw the students create their own teams and begin working on the project. There was not a single standing body, everyone was working, and we all worked very hard together.  As we worked, the adults of La Carpio came out to see what we were doing and how we were working.  By mid morning, on the first day, the streets began to fill with small children who stood closely by their parents to watch what we were doing. Because of our students great team work and hard efforts, we were about to flatten 5 blocks of road and remove tons of large rocks that crested the hill top that many families needed to use in their daily travels. We all paused for lunch and were given time to relaxed for about an hour.  I rested in the church with some of the students, and what brought tears to my eyes was the later opening my eyes to the sounds of children’s play and laugher.  I looked outside and saw Our CityHigh students laughing, hugging, and playing soccer with the young children in the community.  It was absolutely a fantastic time.  The smiles of the parents toward our students I’ll never forget, and the smile on everyone’s faces was priceless.  After lunch we headed back to work rejuvenated and ready to go.  We were taught the formula needed to make the cement, and came up with a plan to make and lay the roads.  Again, no real complaining just purposeful work! I am so honored to know, work with, and be with these students.  Their diligence and dedication is amazing!! By the next morning we were able to see how our hard work paid off.  The community members, along with one of the of their leaders, gave us a tour of all of the places CityHigh worked/helped  that we were able to do in the last 6 years, and how this work truly improved the lives of their entire community.  At lunch, some of the students again played with the children of the community, but this time there were lots more children who joined.  A few other children sat with the store owner who spoke to them about the children of La Carpio.  She explained that it costs money to go to school, so many of the families cannot afford to send their children to school.  Most learn from their parents and learn to work as well.  Throughout the entire second day more and more families and children began to help us work, and by the end, it almost felt like we became a part of their community, which ended with a celebration that was inspirational to all!  Thank you La Carpio for your hospitality and graciousness. We will never forget you!       

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