Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Buenas Dias from San Jose

Written by Mr. Zatezalo

Well, we are finally in San Jose. We arrived last evening aroun 8pm without any incident. Since we traveled from the airport to the hotel at night, I am excited to see the kids reaction to the city today. Today we will be visiting with Epsy Campbell an important political figure and political rights activist. We will then take a tour of San Jose, and then we will finish the day visiting high school students.

Starting this evening, there will be daily updates and many photos posted. Please check back for updates from today's activities.

1 comment:

  1. Mr.Z
    Glad you guys made it safely.
    If you need anything from back home or assistance from here in anyway lmk.
    and thanks for doing this with the kids

    Mr. Mike Pittek
