Monday, June 18, 2012

Excitements and Fears: Michael Pittek

We are going to be doing a lot during our time in Costa Rica. There are a few events that I cannot wait to experience. One of the things I am looking forward to is exploring one of Costa Rica’s active volcanoes. The trip up the volcano will be an amazing adventure and a once in a life time experience. Another thing that I am looking forward to is exploring Manuel Antonio National Park. We will be spending a week in the rainforest and it is a truly beautiful place.

There are not many things on the trip that I will be afraid of doing. I did hear about an old wooden bridge we will be crossing that is very high over a river, I will admit that it does sound intimidating. The only things that will be different for me will be the types of food that we will be eating as well as the insects of Costa Rica. I don’t think that there will be anything that I can’t handle on this trip.

1 comment:

  1. Glad ya made it kid !!!

    If you love volcanoes, switch your major to volcanologist / Geologist :)

    The 'ol man
