Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A Great Day

Written by: Neal Niedecker

Today was a pretty great day. We woke up early which I actually didn’t mind very much. We ate breakfast, which was a delicious meal of rice, beans, eggs and toast. Let me tell you rice and beans are my two of my favorite foods. Soon after breakfast Epsy Campbell stopped by to speak to us. Epsy Campbell is the leader of the Citizen’s Action Party here in Costa Rica. She seems very idealistic and hard working. She spoke mainly of her past and some of the current problems Costa Rica is facing. After we exchanged words with Epsy, the group took a leisurely stroll around San Jose. Walking through the main drag of the city, I didn’t feel like I was in a place all that different from Pittsburgh. Once you get farther out from the commercial district however, the differences start to kick in. The architecture is very different. There seems to be a lot more green space in an urban environment then there would be in the U.S. Later we were supposed to go meet some kids from a local high school. Except the kids from the high couldn’t come out to play because they were busy protesting. Instead we went to a museum. I’m not usually too into museums, but this one wasn’t bad. It was very open, and had a lot of things that were actually interesting inside of it. Overall I’d give it like a six out ten stars in terms of importance for a tourist to visit. Okay other kids need to blog so I’m going to go ahead and wrap this up as we only have a limited number of computers. Before I go, let me just say the coffee here is pretty swell.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you all have done some great work at La Carpio! Give the football and the laser things to the next kids you all meet. Have fun!
